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意大利专栏 | 选择性居留签证 ( 意大利退休签证 )
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意大利专栏 | 选择性居留签证 ( 意大利退休签证 )
  • 意大利专栏 | 选择性居留签证 ( 意大利退休签证 )

选择性居留签证 ( 意大利退休签证 ) 

Residence visa

选择性居留签证允许打算在意大利定居并能够在没有工作的情况下自给自足的外国人进入长期逗留(超过 90 天)。

The elective residence visa allows entry for a long-term stay (over ninety days) to foreigners who intend to settle in Italy and are able to support themselves without work.

签证有效期为 1 年,外国人必须在抵达意大利后 8 天内使用邮政工具包在警察总部申请签发相应的居留许可。选择性居留签证不允许从事工作。

The duration of the visa is 1 year and within 8 days of arrival in Italy the foreigner must request the issuance of the respective residence permit at the Police Headquarters using the postal kit. The visa for elective residence does not allow the carrying out of work.


To apply for a visa for elective residence, the foreigner must provide adequate and documented guarantees regarding the availability of a home to be elected as a residence, and ample economic resources other than income from employment, whose continuity in the future can reasonably be assumed.

如果申请人证明他满足个人申请人每年 31,000 欧元的最低经济要求,则会签发选择性居留签证。

The visa for elective residence is issued if the applicant demonstrates that he meets the minimum economic requirement of 31,000 euros per year for the individual applicant.


The same permit can be issued to cohabiting spouses, minor children, adult cohabiting and dependent children, and cohabiting parents dependent on the visa holder, if financial capacities are adequate.


Documents required for the elective residence visa:

  • 签证申请表

    visa application form

  • 近期护照照片

    recent passport photograph

  • 有效期至少比申请签证长三个月的有效旅行证件

    valid travel document with a deadline of at least three months longer than the visa requested

  • 有据可查的详细保证,关于随着时间的推移,来自年金(养老金或年金)、房地产、稳定的经济-商业活动或其他来源的意大利充足住宿的充足和持续的经济资源

    documented and detailed guarantees regarding the ample and constant economic resources over time, deriving from annuities (pensions or annuities), real estate properties, stable economic-commercial activities or from other sources availability in Italy of adequate accommodation

  • 医疗保险,最低保障额为 30,000 欧元,用于支付紧急住院和遣返费用

    health insurance with a minimum coverage of € 30,000 for the costs of emergency hospitalization and repatriation costs.

如果外国人在意大利购买住宅用地,意大利大使馆将认为意大利法律规定的“最低经济要求”(每年 31,000 欧元)是隐含的。

The Italian Embassy, in the event that the foreigner purchases a property for residential use in Italy, will consider the existence of the "minimum economic requirement" established by Italian law (31,000 euros per year) to be implicit.


If you resort to the purchase of the property in Italy, you must present the notarial deed. Alternatively, you can demonstrate your willingness to acquire it by presenting the preliminary purchase contract as well as a copy of the documentation proving the payment of the first payment or down payment.

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法国总公司:Sinocom sarl
地址:47 Rue de Turbigo,
75003 Paris,France
意大利分公司:Sinocom Italia Srl
地址:Via Niccolini 29,
20154 Milano, Italia



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