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  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità
  • 过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesità

  过度肥胖症又名肥胖病,ความอ้วนobesitàobesity当前肥胖已经成为了全世界的公共卫生问题,国际肥胖特别工作组(TOTF)指出,肥胖将成为新世纪威胁人类健康和生活满意度的最大杀手。不能否认的是,肥胖已经称为一些疾病,并且一直严重威胁我们的健康。那么到底什么是肥胖症?肥胖症是一些社会性慢性疾病。机体内热量的摄入量高于消耗,造成体内脂肪堆积过多,导致体重超标、体态臃肿,实际测量体重超过标准体重百分以上,并且脂肪百分比(F%)超过30%者称为肥胖。通俗讲肥胖就是体内脂肪堆积过多。 标准体重世界卫生组织计算方法:男性:(身高cm-80)×70﹪=标准体重女性:(身高cm-70)×60﹪=标准体重:标准体重正负10﹪为正常体重标准体重正负10﹪~ 20﹪为体重过重或过轻。标准体重正负20﹪以上为肥胖或体重不足。中医中药治疗肥胖的方法  基于脾瘅理论治疗肥胖,应着眼于中焦,治疗中满,同时行气开郁,防止郁而化热。而肥胖又分两类,即实胖和虚胖。  " 实胖 多由于脾胃功能亢进,食欲旺盛,饮食不节而致中焦气机壅滞,痰湿堆积脏腑,故发为肥胖。  临床上,实胖者以青壮年为主,肥胖程度较轻,形体较匀称,腹部比较坚实,精力充沛,苔腻脉滑,各种不适的症状均不突出,各种合并症较少。中医则常用祛湿化痰、结合行气、利水、消导、通腑、化瘀等法,以祛除体内多余的痰浊、水湿。  " 虚胖 则是由于后天之本不足,虽少食而脾胃虚弱无力运化,饮食聚于中焦,酿湿生痰进一步阻滞气机,经络不通,久则化热、生瘀。中医以补虚为主,常予健脾补气利水,脾病及肾,结合益气补肾。🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿创新中医趸康·萃方DOOKO·TCM:以传统中医中药为基础结合现代医药的理念,辨证施治,因人定制,一人一方萃取纯天然中药以代茶饮的方式调理和治疗各种慢性病、疑难杂症(如:腰腿疼痛、糖尿病、慢性肝病、男科阳痿早泄、不孕不育、妇科月经带下病、失眠、忧郁症、三高症,小儿多动症、厌食症、过度肥胖症、风湿病、湿疹、寻麻疹、粉刺青春痘、花粉过敏、哮喘、肿瘤、慢性胃炎、慢性肠炎、心脏病、慢性肾炎、慢性气管炎、新冠后遗症……等等)。💗💗💗创新中医趸康DOOKO·TCM萃方,以观舌诊和问诊断致病原因,用药精准,药少量小,不用煎煮,茶包剂型,热水泡服,以茶代饮,无传统中药口苦之感,无大毒大寒大热之药,道地药材,配方精良,个体化服务,安全无毒副作用,且疗效独特,服用方便,口感好,老少皆宜。只要发个舌头图片,提供您身体不适的症状,参考睡眠、胃口、二便和女性的月经周期的情况,足不出户,量身定制调理治疗方案➕趸康萃方,不管您在欧洲的哪个国家还是欧洲之外的任何国家我们都可以通过快递寄药到家调理治疗服务;调治身心疾病,方便快捷,疗病袪疾,强身健体,平衡阴阳,大道至简的创新中医药模式迎合现代快节奏的生活环境。 【趸康萃方】【纯中药制】【免煎方药】【服用方便】【远程诊疗】【一人一方】【私人订制】【快递寄药】☎️:❤️❤️❤️健康咨询热线微信同号:0039-3937766999 Obesity, also known as obesity, ความอ้วนobesitàobesity Currently obesity has become a public health problem all over the world. The International Obesity Task Force (TOTF) pointed out that obesity will become a threat to human health and The biggest killer of life satisfaction. It cannot be denied that obesity has been known as some diseases and has been a serious threat to our health. So what exactly is obesity? Obesity is a social chronic disease. The intake of calories in the body is higher than the consumption, resulting in excessive accumulation of body fat, resulting in excess body weight and bloated body. The actual measured weight exceeds the standard body weight percentage and the fat percentage (F%) exceeds 30%. It is called obesity. In layman's terms, obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Standard weight World Health Organization calculation method: Male: (height cm-80)×70﹪=standard weight Female: (height cm-70)×60﹪=standard weight: Standard weight plus or minus 10% is normal weight Standard weight plus or minus 10% ~ 20% is overweight or underweight. Standard weight plus or minus 20% or more is obese or underweight. Methods of treating obesity with traditional Chinese medicine In the treatment of obesity based on the theory of spleen deflation, we should focus on the middle Jiao, treat middle fullness, and at the same time promote qi to open stagnation and prevent stagnation from turning into heat. Obesity is divided into two categories, namely real fat and puffiness. "Actually fat is mostly due to hyperactivity of the spleen and stomach, exuberant appetite, and improper diet, resulting in the stagnation of the qi of the middle energizer, and the accumulation of phlegm and dampness in the viscera, so obesity is caused. Clinically, the fat people are mainly young and middle-aged people, the degree of obesity is relatively light, the body is more symmetrical, the abdomen is relatively firm, energetic, the moss is greasy, the pulse is slippery, the symptoms of various discomforts are not prominent, and the various complications are less. Traditional Chinese medicine commonly uses methods such as removing dampness and removing phlegm, combining qi invigorating, diuresis, eliminating conduction, clearing the fu-organs, and removing blood stasis to remove excess phlegm and water-dampness in the body. "Puffiness is due to the lack of acquired foundation. Although eating less, the spleen and stomach are weak and unable to transport and transform. The diet is concentrated in the middle Jiao, and the phlegm and dampness further block the qi movement, and the meridians and collaterals are blocked. Deficiency is the main thing, often to invigorate the spleen, invigorate the qi and invigorate the water, spleen disease and kidney, combined with nourishing qi and invigorating the kidney. ❤️Innovative traditional Chinese medicine Zhongkang·Cuifang DOOKO·TCM: Based on traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine combined with the concept of modern medicine, treatment based on syndrome differentiation, customized for each person, each person extracts pure natural Chinese medicine and uses tea instead of tea. A variety of chronic diseases, intractable diseases (such as: waist and leg pain, diabetes, chronic liver disease, male impotence and premature ejaculation, infertility, gynecological menstrual disorders, insomnia, depression, three high diseases, children with ADHD, anorexia, excessive obesity disease, rheumatism, eczema, hives, acne, hay fever, asthma, tumors, chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, heart disease, chronic nephritis, chronic bronchitis, etc.). Innovative traditional Chinese medicine DOOKO·TCM extract, caters to the modern fast-paced lifestyle, diagnoses the cause of the disease through remote consultation➕ combined with tongue observation, accurate medication, small amount of medicine, no need to decoct, tea bag dosage form, hot Blister service, drink tea instead of traditional Chinese medicine, no bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine, no poisonous, cold and hot medicine, authentic medicinal materials, well-formulated, individualized service, tailor-made, safe, non-toxic and side effects, and unique curative effect, Easy to take, good taste, suitable for all ages. Send a tongue piece, give a symptom, refer to the two stools, stay at home, regulate physical and mental diseases, it is convenient and fast, while you enjoy the tea fragrance leisurely, cure diseases, improve health, balance yin and yang, and the road to simplicity . 【Jiankang Extraction】【Pure Traditional Chinese Medicine】【Free Decoction】【Easy to Take】【Remote Diagnosis】【One Person】【Private Order】【Delivery by Express】☎️: ❤️Health Consultation Hotline WeChat Same number: 0039-3937766999kjio





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