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  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia
  • 失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonnia

失眠Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonniaInsomnioInsomnieSchlaflosigkeit是一种不容易自然地进入睡眠状态的症状。可能是不易入睡(难以入睡),或是很难维持较长时间的深度睡眠(难以维持睡眠)。失眠一般会伴随着白天精神不佳、嗜睡、易怒、或是抑郁等症状。失眠可能会增加车祸意外的风险,也可能会让人注意力不集中、工作易疲惫及学习效果不佳。失眠可能是短期的持续几天到一周,或者是持续一个月或数月不等,也可能是长期的。☪️失眠中医称“不寐”或“不得卧”系指失眠为主症的一些疾病。不寐有虛实之分。虚证多由阴血不足,重在心脾肝肾。实症则由食滞痰浊,壅過胃腑所致。一般有以下五种分型为主:1、肝郁化火:治疗以清肝安神为主。2、痰热内扰:治疗以化痰清热,利湿和胃为主。3、心胆气虛:以安神定志为主。4、心脾两虛:治疗以滋养心脾、益气生血为主。5、阴虚火:治疗以滋补肾阴、清心降火为主。 创新中医趸康萃方DOOKO·TCM通过大量的临床实践对失眠的治疗效果确切✅。以观舌诊和问诊断致病原因,用药精准,药少量小,不用煎煮,茶包剂型,开水泡服,无传统中药口苦之感,无大毒大寒大热之药,道地药材,配方精良,个体化服务,安全无毒副作用,且疗效独特,服用方便。➕趸康萃方,不管您在欧洲的哪个国家还是欧洲之外的任何国家我们都可以通过网络远程诊断,快递寄药到家进行调理治疗服务;调治身心疾病,方便快捷,疗病袪疾,强身健体,平衡阴阳,大道至简的创新中医药模式迎合现代快节奏的生活环境。 【趸康萃方】【纯中药制】【免煎方药】【服用方便】【远程诊疗】【一人一方】【私人订制】【快递寄药】☎️:❤️❤️❤️健康咨询热线微信同号:0039-3937766999 Insomnia Insomniaนอนไม่หลับInsonniaInsomnioInsomnieSchlaflosigkeit is a symptom of not being able to fall asleep naturally. It may be difficulty falling asleep (difficulty falling asleep) or staying in deep sleep for long periods of time (difficulty staying asleep). Insomnia is often accompanied by symptoms such as daytime poor energy, lethargy, irritability, or depression. Insomnia may increase the risk of car accidents, and it may also cause poor concentration, fatigue at work and poor academic performance. Insomnia can be short-term, lasting a few days to a week, or lasting a month or several months, or it can be long-term. ☪️Insomnia Traditional Chinese medicine calls "insomnia" or "not sleeping" refers to insomnia some diseases. Insomnia can be divided into reality and reality. Deficiency syndrome is mostly caused by deficiency of yin and blood, focusing on the heart, spleen, liver and kidney. Excessive symptoms are caused by stagnation of food and turbid phlegm, which obstruct the stomach. Generally, there are five types: 1. Liver stagnation into fire: The main treatment is to clear the liver and soothe the nerves. 2. Internal disturbance of phlegm-heat: the treatment focuses on resolving phlegm and clearing away heat, promoting dampness and harmonizing the stomach. 3. Deficiency of heart, gallbladder and qi: mainly calm the nerves and calm the mind. 4. Deficiency of both the heart and spleen: the treatment focuses on nourishing the heart and spleen, nourishing qi and generating blood. 5. Yin-deficiency fire: the treatment is mainly to nourish kidney yin, clear heart and reduce fire.





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