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🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM 1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  广告号:14208588  浏览量:
🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用
  • 🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM  1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用

🌿🌿🌿趸康亚健康调理萃方DOOKO·TCM 1.纯中药配制安全无毒副作用、2.服用方便无需煎煮只要开水冲泡即可。3.💪💪💪每年只需1-2个疗程预防真正疾病的发生。🤝🤝🤝诚招欧洲🇪🇺按摩、推拿、健康机构代理。
【黄金要千足·健康要万足】^_^亚健康:亚健康(sub-health)又称第三状态,是介于健康与疾病之间的中间状态,亚健康主要表现为人体各个系统生理功能的紊乱、衰退或综合体能下降、精神不振、出现体力透支。具体各个系统可表现为:神经系统表现为头晕、头痛、失眠、多梦、记忆力减退、精神不振;循环系统的表现主要见于心悸、心部隐痛、临界的高血压、血脂异常;消化系统的反应为食欲不振、胃部隐痛、腹胀、消化不良、便秘等;呼吸系统表现为憋气、气短、咽喉干燥或者堵塞感;感官系统主要是耳鸣、听力减退、眼睛干涩、酸胀。代谢系统主要是体重超标、肥胖;免疫系统可表现为免疫力低下,容易感冒;运动系统反应为运动的迟缓、关节运动欠灵活、肌肉酸痛;内分泌系统表现为临界的甲状腺功能的亢进或减退,以及血糖增高或者血糖降低。另外综合性体能表现工作效率低、容易疲劳、体力透支、手足冰凉、体质虚弱、性功能减退、自然衰老加重。如果有以上症状原因不明,或者能够排除其它明确疾病引起,一般都是亚健康的症状表现。🌿🌿🌿Zhekangya Health Conditioning Extract DOOKO·TCM 1. It is prepared with pure Chinese medicine and is safe and has no toxic side effects. 2. It is easy to take and does not require boiling. Just brew it with boiling water. 3.💪💪💪Only 1-2 courses of treatment per year can prevent the occurrence of real diseases. 🤝🤝🤝We are looking for European 🇪🇺massage, massage and health agency agents.
[Gold requires a thousand feet, health requires ten thousand feet]^_^ Sub-health: Sub-health, also known as the third state, is an intermediate state between health and disease. Sub-health is mainly manifested in the physiology of various human body systems. Functional disorder, decline or decline in overall physical fitness, lack of energy, and physical exhaustion. Specific manifestations of each system are as follows: nervous system manifestations include dizziness, headache, insomnia, dreaminess, memory loss, and lack of energy; circulatory system manifestations are mainly seen in palpitations, heart pain, critical high blood pressure, and dyslipidemia; digestive system reactions Symptoms include loss of appetite, stomach pain, abdominal distension, indigestion, constipation, etc.; respiratory system symptoms include suffocation, shortness of breath, dry throat or a sense of congestion; sensory system symptoms include tinnitus, hearing loss, dry eyes, and soreness. The metabolic system is mainly caused by overweight and obesity; the immune system can be characterized by low immunity and prone to colds; the motor system can be characterized by slow movement, lack of flexibility in joint movement, and muscle soreness; the endocrine system can be characterized by borderline hyper or hypothyroidism. and increased or decreased blood sugar. In addition, comprehensive physical performance shows low work efficiency, easy fatigue, physical exhaustion, cold hands and feet, weak constitution, decreased sexual function, and increased natural aging. If the cause of the above symptoms is unknown, or other clear diseases can be ruled out, they are generally symptoms of sub-health.





法国总公司:Sinocom sarl
地址:47 Rue de Turbigo,
75003 Paris,France
意大利分公司:Sinocom Italia Srl
地址:Via Niccolini 29,
20154 Milano, Italia



华力能源 六个月
